Port Hood Postmark Tabulation
While Port Hood was opened as a way office in 1829, it did not receive its first cancelling device until 1841 when it was upgraded to a full post office. Since that time, it has had almost 50 postmarks of many different types which are illustrated in the following table that has been collated from 15 sources.
Port Hood Postmarks Exhibit
The exhibit was shown at Novapex 2010 in Halifax, where it was awarded a Regional Gold Medal.
Since that time, the exhibit has been upgraded with the addition of a 1841 Double Broken Circle Paid Mark struck in red, two extremely rare Numeral Rate Marks from the mid-1800’s, and the modern Postage Label marks. This version was shown at Novapex in 2012 where it won a National Vermeil. A copy of this exhibit can be found here: 2012 version of the Port Hood Postmarks Exhibit.
Many new items were added and a major revision of the layout was completed in 2024. This new exhibit received a National Vermeil and the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada Medal of Excellence for Treatment at Orapex 2024, a Regional Vermeil at Novapex 2024, and a National Gold at the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada Royal/Royale 2024. A copy of this exhibit can be found here: 2024 version of the Port Hood Postmarks Exhibit. Please note that the scanned images of items that have been used in this PDF file have been cropped and so, in some cases, do not represent the actual dimensions of the item.